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Today I have a day of glazing to do. It’s very time consuming and can’t be rushed. It’s also meditative and will sooth the chaos of my mind.

Last week I was made redundant from my other job, the one that pays the bills unfortunately. Its the most odd feeling to be told you are no longer needed, as they can’t afford to pay you. It seems that coronavirus and lockdown is impacting on all our lives. I licked and nursed my wounds last week. Then my dear friend Anneke very kindly donated some much needed storage for the studio. Her children’s old toy boxes have been put to good use. It was a bit like a monkey puzzle I had to shove the whole studio around. 

However I had one of my frank Spencer moments! I have told you about these in the past. You see, I needed to shove some junk up into the loft space above the studio. I stood on the very top of the step ladders and pounced with ghazel like grace into the attic space above. I think all this kinetic energy somehow shot out from the tips of my toes and the rickety blasted thing toppled over…..dam!….. Leaving me legs-a-kimbow halfway through the hatch. With my Mr puni-verse strength I pulled myself up.

Then found myself stuck, with simon on a zoom conference call, yards away unable to hear my screams. I sat and patiently waiting for maybe my neighbour could hear my yelps of distress. However I knew deep down I would have to solve this one on my own. I found an old cloths rail pole and a lacrosse stick. Not mine before you think too much! But my dear friends, as we are big yellow storage for everyone. The lacrosse stick fitted into the pole conveniently well, aiding me with a hook. I then with the tenacious determination managed to hook the toppled ladder off the wood burning stove and stand it upright. I haven’t mentioned this to my better half, he will only worry or tell me off!

So what I guess I’m trying to say is that although I’m in a muddle at the moment, and life can be quite hard when it throws you into what I term “A handbrake turn!”

I might crash and burn, but I hope to rise up from the ashes like a Phoenix. I’m giving The Old George Studio my full attention, and we will post our spare rooms up on Airbnb once restrictions ease. I’m determined to make something work. Would you like to come and stay? You will receive a warm welcome @ The Old George.